Our Camps

Check out this page to see what our amazing campers worked so hard on throughout the camp!

Campers from Forsyth County come to the Wake Forest University's Department of Mathematics to participate in the Girls Talk Math summer camp. Throughout the two week long program, participants work in groups of 3 or 4 on several projects. 

Each group is assigned one advanced mathematics topic to explore through discovery-bases guided problem sets. These topics are usually not encountered by students until college or graduate school. The problems vary from year to year and include a wide variety of mathematics: from abstract concepts, like knot theory, to applications, like network science. 

In addition to the problem sets, each group is assigned a female mathematician, whose work is related to their problem set, to research and to interview. From this, they can see themselves in the mathematics community and better understand the work professional mathematicians do. The campers then create their own media to share what they learned. Each group works together to write a blog post detailing the mathematics they explored and record a podcast about the female mathematician they researched.